We've made a few modifications from the previous launch. The Karibou VTOL engines are designed to handle larger rovers on planets such as Duna. As such, if we're only going to Minmus, we need much, much lower thrust. This requires us to ditch the rear engines, which makes the craft lighter, and, more importantly, more balanced. The reduced thrust should permit the cabin's reaction wheels to maintain control during landing. A lighter payload also results in a more efficient launch. Download craft! Download kOS scripts! Year 3, Day 265. Mission Objectives:
Mission Summary:
We are happy to report a successful landing on the Greater Flats of Minmus. The reduced TWR resulted in one of the smoothest landings I've ever seen. To fulfil our contractural obligation, we'll need to crew the base with two scientists, but you can understand why we send those along separately after seeing the results of our previous mission. Comments are closed.