Year 5, Day 325.
Mission Objectives:
One of the cutbacks made after our last mission is having fewer launches. We're now able to launch every 23 days, instead of 12, and only if there's a mission that helps us reach our goal. Well, keeping our researchers on Minmus alive definitely applies, so we're sending more supplies over. Year 5, Day 301.
Mission Objectives: We have not heard from either kerbal in nearly two years. Year 5, Day 241.
Mission Objectives:
This mission will resupply our food, fuel, and includes tools and parts to fix some problems with our lander. Year 5, Day 217.
Mission Objectives:
We have tweaked the design of the DEUCES mk I after having some problems with the vernor thrusters. Hopefully this fixes the problem. Year 5, Day 181.
Mission Objectives:
This will fulfil our contract to extend the station, and provide transport for a future crew to Minmus. Year 5, Day 169.
Mission Objectives:
Our focus right now is on getting more science in order to build the kinds of crafts and landers we need for our Duna mission. To that end, we'd like to get a science lab and lander to Minmus, which means getting more fuel in orbit. We currently have two contracts: getting a five-crew outpost on Minmus, and expanding Biko 1 [Kerbin] to support 19 crew and have 2000 units of liquid fuel. We've expanded our CFV to support a crew of five, and if we dock this and an orange tank to Biko 1 we should be able to fulfil the station contract. We can then send the lander, a science module, and fuel to Minmus, complete the second contract, and begin doing more research. Year 5, Day 133.
Mission Objectives:
We have a station around Mun, in the CFV we have a lander, and we already have crew aboard the Kerbin station. We just need fuel to get them to the surface and back. While we could just use a DEUCES mk 2, we want to land on Mun with a DEUCES mk 1 so we'll take that instead. It wouldn't ordinarily have the dV to get a 30T payload to Mun, but since it can use the fuel from the payload, it should be no problem. Year 5, Day 121.
Mission Objectives:
Crew: Gerby (Scientist⭐️⭐️) The current return vehicle docked to the station will return the rescued crew from Minmus. Year 5, Day 61.
Mission Objectives:
One of the DLSv3/DEUCES design tradeoffs made was to minimize the number of launch configurations. Instead of trying to have many sizes for different payloads, we would instead try to piggyback multiple payloads into a single launch to efficiently use the launchers we have. Toward that end, we are launching our habitation and science modules to the Biko 2 station around Mun in a single launch, as opposed to two with Biko 1. Year 5, Day 54.
Mission Objectives:
As with the launch of the KMSS, this launch is built around a new DLSv3 rocket, and features a refined flight plan. Both of these have been heavily simulated, so we have no concerns about this launch. None, whatsoever. Year 5, Day 25.
Mission Objectives:
Crew: Sigeny (Pilot⭐️), Sanya (Engineer⭐️), Dalotte (Scientist⭐️) Before we send crew to bases around Mun I need to figure out how the new UKS works. Year 5, Day 13.
Mission Objectives:
This will complete the first phase of our station, and verify its functionality before launching identical stations to Mun and Minmus. Year 4, Day 415.
Mission Objectives:
Now that our R&D facility is fully upgraded, we need to move our emphasis to science. To this end, we are planning on deploying modular space stations in orbits around Mun and Minmus. Before that, we need to test it in orbit around Kerbin. The first component is the Biko Service Module, or BSM. This component provides guidance, power, fuel tanks, storage space, an airlock, and docking ports to expand the station. This is also the first launch using our redesigned DLS v2, along with completely rewritten flight control software. We have a lucrative contract to expand our station in orbit around Minmus.
Download craft! Download kOS scripts! Year 4, Day 25. Mission Objectives:
For our last flight of Year 3, we will be expanding our station in orbit around Mun.
Download craft! Download kOS scripts! Year 3, Day 421. Mission Objectives:
A contract requires us to launch a research lab into Kerbin orbit.
Download craft! Download kOS scripts! Year 3, Day 277. Mission Objectives:
We've rectified the staging and are ready for a new launch.
Download craft! Download kOS scripts! Year 3, Day 49. Mission Objectives:
We have another lucrative contract on offer, this time to put a station in orbit around Minmus. With the newly upgraded VAB, we can iterate on our previous station's power systems, and add a few external handrails.
Download craft! Download kOS scripts! Year 3, Day 37. Mission Objectives:
In the interest of upgrading our VAB, we've accepted a contract to put a space station in orbit around Mun. Conveniently, we have a station in orbit around Kerbin that meets the requirements... Year 3, Day 1. Mission Objectives:
This is probably the ugliest rocket so far, but it's cheap and efficient. Attempt #2 at putting a scientist aboard Station 2-31.
Download craft! Download kOS scripts! Year 2, Day 415. Mission Objectives:
Crew: Moma (Scientist⭐️) Now that we've landed on Mun and Minmus, it's time to start working on more permanent settlements of space. Towards that end, we are launching our first long-lived orbital station around Kerbin. Many systems will be tested on this flight, including a new lifter stage, and a new, larger payload fairing.
Download craft! Download kOS scripts! Year 2, Day 391. Mission Objectives: